Weather: overcast, very muggy and threatening to rain.
Up to the plot to grab a nice "big bag o' stuff" before Thursday's all-day-rain: apples; rhubarb; chives; potatoes; spinach; the more mature of the broad-bean pods; courgettes.
I found that the sample onion I took home was fine, nice and firm and no onion-fly holes and no horrid grub in the centre...
Despite the lack of proper top growth due to the onion-fly, the actual onions themselves are now bulking up fine. It looks like the garlic also went a bit topsy-turvy, presumably also due to the pesky onion-fly, but I'm hoping the bulbs will be delish like the onions.
Lots of small apples fallen off the tree. I suspect someone's been giving it a shake. Some are a bit wormy, but they should taste good — if a little tart. The apples still on the tree look like they're bulking up nicely...
My main block of potatoes is still continuing its "total die-back", but the potatoes I'm lifting as I follow along after it are fine and large. My potatoes elsewhere are doing OK. Courgettes are still doing well, although not putting forth flowers in quite such a triumphant manner as before. My flower-cull has meant that they've basically had a useful lull in putting out new courgettes.
Still no signs of any flowers on my useless strawberries. I gave them four doses of Gareth's Gro-More Crystals, in a watering-can, to see if that will encourage some late fruiting.
The new lavender is establishing itself nicely now, against the south-facing wall...
Rose bush is managing fine, despite being in a narrow walled bed and not being sprayed against black-spot. It'll need a proper pruning back this winter...
You can also see Gareth's fab new flag in the above picture.
Acorns are starting on the little oak tree...
The Resolva weed-killer has worked nicely and, as I chose my day carefully, the spray hasn't affected anything other than the patch I sprayed.
Home on the bicycle just before the rain descended in sheets... nice.